免税(Duty Free)

Duty Free

We would like to offer “Duty Free” for people coming from all over the world!
More than 5,000 yen purchases in amount is available for Duty Free.

  • Non-Residents
    1. All foreigners are treated as non-residents in principle.
    2. People involved in the foreign governments and international organization.
    3. People hired to help diplomats and consuls.
    4. Member of the US force, including their families and official parties.
    5. Member of the United Nations and UN Forces, including their families and related parties.

    Only non-residents as written above are privileged to take “Duty Free”

  • Resident Foreigners
    1. People who work at a company located in Japan.
    2. People who stay in Japan more than 6 months.

    not privileged to take “Duty Free”

  • Our warranty isn’t international warranty. We offer 1 year warranty is limited in Japan after you purchase.
  • Duty Free is available only at shop. (In case of shipping abroad through the Internet order, tax will be free automatically.)

How to make procedure about Duty Free at our shop

How customs inspect Duty Free at airport


  • ご本人のパスポートの提示
  • 非居住者(短期滞在、外交、公用)である
  • 出入国管理及び難民認定法第十四条から第十八条までに規定する上陸の許可(船舶観光上陸許可書、乗員上陸許可書、緊急上陸許可書、遭難による上陸許可書)を受けて在留する者等
  • 入国日から6ヶ月以内である
  • 一般物品(消耗品以外)は合計税抜5,000円以上(割引後の支払額)
  • 消耗品は合計税抜5,000円~50万円以下である
  • 一般物品と消耗品合算免税の場合、合計税抜き5,000円~50万円以下である
  • 日本国内で消費するもの、送料・作業手数料は免税対象外


  • 本邦入国後6ヶ月未満であることを確認出来ること
  • 国内以外の地域に引き続き二年以上住所又は居所を有することを在留証明又は戸籍の附票の写しにより確認がされた者